Wednesday, July 10, 2024

why you need Skipping Stones Magazine


Skipping Stones Magazine: Fostering Multicultural Awareness and Ecological Sensitivity

In an increasingly interconnected world, the importance of multicultural understanding and environmental awareness cannot be overstated. Skipping Stones Magazine, a nonprofit children's publication, has been at the forefront of promoting these values since its inception in 1988. The magazine is dedicated to providing a platform where children from diverse cultural backgrounds can share their stories, art, and perspectives, fostering a sense of global community and ecological stewardship.

A Unique Platform for Young Voices

Skipping Stones Magazine distinguishes itself by being a space where young voices are not only heard but celebrated. It publishes works by children and youth aged 8 to 16, including poetry, stories, letters, and artwork. This approach not only encourages creativity and self-expression but also promotes literacy and communication skills. By seeing their work in print, young contributors gain a sense of accomplishment and confidence, reinforcing the importance of their voices in societal discourse.

Celebrating Diversity

One of the magazine's core missions is to celebrate cultural diversity. Each issue features contributions from children of various ethnic, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds, highlighting the richness of global traditions and experiences. This multicultural approach helps readers develop a deeper appreciation for the world's diversity, fostering empathy and understanding. Skipping Stones regularly includes features on different cultures, traditions, and global issues, providing educational content that broadens readers' horizons.

Environmental Stewardship

In addition to its focus on multiculturalism, Skipping Stones Magazine is committed to promoting environmental awareness. The magazine frequently includes articles and features that educate young readers about ecological issues, conservation efforts, and the importance of sustainable living. By engaging with these topics early on, children can develop a lifelong respect for the environment and become advocates for positive change.

Community and Collaboration

Skipping Stones Magazine thrives on community involvement and collaboration. The publication encourages schools, libraries, and community organizations to participate by submitting group projects, artwork, and stories. This collaborative spirit extends to the magazine's editorial board, which includes educators, writers, and environmentalists who volunteer their time and expertise. This community-driven approach ensures that the magazine remains relevant and reflective of the interests and concerns of its readership.

Global Reach

While based in the United States, Skipping Stones Magazine has a global reach. It receives contributions from young people around the world, making it a truly international publication. This global perspective is essential in today’s world, where understanding and cooperation across borders are more important than ever. By connecting children from different countries, the magazine helps to build a network of young global citizens who are informed, empathetic, and engaged.

Awards and Recognition

Over the years, Skipping Stones Magazine has received numerous awards and accolades for its contributions to children's education and multicultural understanding. It has been recognized by organizations such as the National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) and the American Library Association (ALA). These accolades underscore the magazine's impact and its importance as an educational resource.

Subscription and Support

Skipping Stones Magazine is available by subscription, and its continued success relies on the support of subscribers and donors. The magazine offers various subscription options, making it accessible to schools, libraries, and individual families. By subscribing, readers not only gain access to enriching content but also support a publication that is making a difference in the lives of children worldwide.


Skipping Stones Magazine stands out as a beacon of multicultural awareness and environmental consciousness. Through its dedication to celebrating diversity, fostering young voices, and promoting ecological stewardship, it provides an invaluable resource for children and educators alike. As the world continues to face complex cultural and environmental challenges, the role of publications like Skipping Stones in educating and inspiring the next generation is more critical than ever. Subscribing to and supporting this unique magazine is an investment in a more empathetic, informed, and sustainable future.

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